Anxiety and Covid:
As Featured on the MASK Family Matters Radio Show
Mental Health Media
Yom Kippur & Apologies
Substances and Alcohol - Columbus, OH March 24'
Mental Health Dilemmas - NCSY
Goodness and Gratitude
Health, Emotions, Bullying I
Health, Emotions, Bullying II
Spies, Friends & Peer Pressure
Camp Psych Overview
Anxiety / OCD
Substances & Addiction
Empathy & Emotion
Emunah Media
Emunah Ani Maamin I
Emunah Ani Maamin II
In Tune With Emunah I
In Tune With Eumnah II
Character/Middos Media
Audacity & Humility
Apologies & Teshuva
Gratitude & Jealousy
Self Control & Habits
Self-Work: Slow & Steady
RH & YK Adam LeChaveiro
RH & YK Adam LaMakom
Objective Morality
Hashkafa Media
Girls & Girlfriends
Free Time
Individual & Group Identity
Death & Bad Things/Good People
Purpose of World & Yedia/Bechira
Life Prep & Torah
Reality: Torah & Mitzvos
Tefilla & Davening
Nature/Nurture & Astrology


Avi Landa, Director
Rabbi Avi Landa is currently the Mashgiach of TA Middle School, Counselor of TA High School, and Director of Education for Amudim (www.amudim.org). He obtained Smichas Rav Umanhig from Ner Yisroel after learning there for more than 12 years. After acquiring his Masters in Counseling from Johns Hopkins University, he went on to obtain his Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) Credential. Since 2013 Avi has been practicing mental health counseling with the goal of helping a client get to a self-sufficient place, utilizing the tools and interventions implemented. As a curriculum writer for Darcheinu (www.darcheinu.org) and presenter nation-wide, Avi has extensive experience educating adolescents and helping them navigate the often confusing journey to and through a healthy adulthood.
Specializing In:
- ADHD, Anxiety/OCD, & Depression with Accurate Diagnosis, and Timely Treatments Beyond Medication.
Healthy Living Habits for Children, Adolescents, & Adults, With Extensive Experience in Adolescent Development and Addiction
Resistant Clients
Bochurim & Shidduchim
Couples Counseling, with a Special Program Prepping for Shana Rishona, and Beyond.
Parenting training, including proactive healthy conversations to initiate and facilitate.
Affordable Financing Options, Contact Us for More Details
Please feel free to contact the Landa Counseling Center
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